Delivery Information
Our estimated normal delivery time is 2-3 working days ( ie this excludes weekends and Public/Bank holidays).
We will endeavour to despatch all orders received before 12am. Monday to Friday on the same day. However, when this is not possible, they will be despatched next working day. This also applies to orders received after 12am.
Delivery times are normally between 8am and 6pm. All orders must be signed for on delivery. Please ensure we have a delivery contact telephone number, to ensure someone is available to accept the delivery.
Please note we are unable to accept any responsibility or liability for late deliveries or small wear and tear during the delivery process. An additional charge may be made if orders have to be redelivered. If delivery is deferred, then you may incur charges for storage.
Refused deliveries will be returned to us and the and the delivery costs ( both out and return) will be deducted from your refund.
Delivery charges are included as shown for each item unless otherwise stated.
We rely on carriers to deliver our goods and therefore we cannot be held responsible for any financial loss, damages or expenses incurred by you, your company or any third party arising directly or indirectly out of late or non-delivery of your order or any part thereof.
Please do therefore not arrange to have a tradesman on site until after your goods have arrived and you have checked them (we will not pay your tradesman's costs in the event that the goods have arrived late, been damaged in transit or are not suitable for any reason). Please note these are commercial goods, for commercial activity. This is trade website.